Atosú, named after the Gaelic word for ‘restart’ is an Irish Leadership Institute addressing a global audience.
Quality leadership is hard to describe but is easily recognised. It is often vigorously tested in the silent moments away from the tyranny of the everyday. Both from a career, personal and family perspective, leadership can be a heavy burden and a great privilege.
While it may often feel impossible to lighten the load we have all experienced the joy of letting go and achieving much more. Our approach to leadership is based on personal growth through increased awareness.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
– Marcus Aurelius
Growth in awareness of our own inner abilities, human frailties, strengths and weaknesses is an essential stepping stone to achieving the results we desire.
Listening to and sharing stories with others is a powerful, simple and enriching way to learn and grow. Reflecting on the story of your life and leadership reveals much about why you are who you are.
Our flagship programme is Leadership – Why Bother? (LWB). This is a week-long programme based in Dublin, Ireland, that explores a number of key themes in leadership while also offering the essential time to relax and reflect before you decide how you want to write the next chapter in the story of your life, career and leadership.
Our Alumni is a growing Clann (family). For a conversation send us a short email with your name and contact details to and we will arrange a suitable time to chat.